Back in Action!
A while back I had the privilege of getting my feet wet with video and directing with a really great film maker/artist Hagoth Aiono. I had the opportunity to work on a great project for the CENSUS Campaign with Hagoth. Creatively we had a blast piecing together his vision for this project. We literally had about 2 weeks to get people in place, get the shots, and Hagoth had the big job of editing the final product.
This experience opened my creative eye to video production. There are so many elements that go into film making! When we were creating this piece we didn't want to take the literal PSA approach but to make art and make statements through visuals. This guy definitely has a vision! I was there to help with photography and assist in the direction. What a great experience! Thanks Goth!
To see more of Hagoth's awesome work check out his website here & his youtube channel here.
Special thanks to all those that participated in the videos!
great these vids ..