I've reluctantly entered the world of having a blog. I honestly have no idea where it will lead. I can only hope it will allow for the people that dig my work to see some of the thoughts and challenges that go into being a photographer. One thing I do hope to pursue through my blog is the ability to showcase some personal work and my views of how I see people & the world. I am currently expanding my knowledge and always willing to push the envelope.
Since I was young I have always loved looking at images and taking them and now look at me. I can't stop thinking about capturing "life" on camera!
It took me a while to finally muster up the strength to finally pursue my own dream as a photographer and only hope that you would be able to join me in my journey.
Here is to a dollar and a dream...!
I am currently working on my official website which will be up soon so STAY TUNED!
Thank You Everyone!
Ralph Misa
If anyone can do this, it's you. I'm so proud of you Ralphy! Keep up the good work and don't forget...GLEE IS ON TONIGHT! Hehe, you're going to be great, I just know it! The blog looks great and don't you worry, I'll be hounding your ass if it gets bare over here. =)
Outstanding photography